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Definice lingvistických termínů (či pokusy o ně)
lexeme (lexém)
- The lexeme (word, phraseme, fixed word collocation) is a formal-semantic unit of the lexical level in its intersection with the semantic level. Its status is deep and hierarchical. We distinguish the lexeme-type on the level of abstraction and the lexeme-token (allolex) on the empirical level in context use. The use is either untypical and individual or usual, typical and reproduceable. On the level of abstraction, there are three lexemic modes: the polysemic lexeme (hyperlexeme, for example, “to give” with a set of meanings), the monosemic lexeme (hereafter lexeme: “to give something to somebody”), and the lexeme in typical context (“to give him a book, money, water to drink”). A monosemic lexeme is the basic lexical unit in language communication […] It is given by the conjunction of the lexical form (formeme) and the individual meaning (sememe).
Filipec, J., Lexicology and lexicography: Development and state of the research, in: The Prague School of Structural and Functional Linguistics, edited by P. A. Luelsdorff, pp. 163–183, J. Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 1994.
- lexém v kontextu (allolex) je lexeme-token, ale “lexém v typickém kontextu” je lexeme-type (???)
- poslední věta citace mi připomíná (také Filipcovu) definici lexie. Jaký je tedy jejich vztah?
česky nikoliv lexie, ale lexikum! Tedy celá slovní zásoba daného jazyka.
Toto je Filipcova 'lexie'.