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user:ptacek:ubuntu-account-subversioned [2009/04/14 09:17]
ptacek vytvořeno
user:ptacek:ubuntu-account-subversioned [2009/04/22 18:10] (current)
Line 3: Line 3:
 * firefox profile nejlepe s extensionama * firefox profile nejlepe s extensionama
 * .ssh/config - s definici stroju a usernames pro ssh * .ssh/config - s definici stroju a usernames pro ssh
-* .bashrc - s +* .bashrc - s , $JAVA_HOME
 * projects * projects
 * papers * papers
 * presentations * presentations
 +jak deploynout:
 +z routeru se nalogovat na cil a pritahnout si sebou svn tunel:
 +[ptacek@kacer]$ ssh CIL -l USER -R 3690:localhost:3690
 +na cili instalovat slack a checkoutnout moje slack-roles:
 +sudo aptitude install slack
 +svn co svn://localhost/opt/svn/slack-roles ~/conf/slack-roles
 +deploynout zvolenou roli:
 +sudo slack -s ~/conf/slack-roles --preview simple -v ROLE

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