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Past RG sessions
(For the current semester see the main RG page)
Autumn&Winter 2011/2012
date | speaker | paper |
Oct 3 | startup meeting | |
Oct 10 | discussion about Joakim Nivre's talk If you haven't heard about transition-based parsing (MALT parser) read e.g. one of Nivre's presentations | |
Oct 17 | Martin Popel | Stephen Tratz, Eduard Hovy: A Fast, Accurate, Non-Projective, Semantically-Enriched Parser, EMNLP 2011, report by Michal Novák |
Oct 24 | Martin Majliš | Valentin Spitkovsky, Hiyan Alshawi, Daniel Jurafsky: From Baby Steps to Leapfrog: How “Less is More” in Unsupervised Dependency Parsing, HLT/NAACL 2010, MM notes, report Oldřich Krůza |
Oct 31 | Michal Novák | Dipanjan Das, Slav Petrov: Unsupervised Part-of-Speech Tagging with Bilingual Graph-Based Projections, ACL 2011, report by Marie Konárová |
Nov 7 | Oldřich Krůza | Oldřich Krůza and Vladislav Kuboň: Automatic Extraction of Clause Relationships from a Treebank, CICLing 2009, report by Petr Jankovský |
Nov 14 | Marie Konárová | Majid Yazdani and Andrei Popescu-Belis: Using a Wikipedia-based Semantic Relatedness Measure for Document Clustering, TextGraphs Workshop 2011, report by Martin Majliš |
Nov 21 | Petr Jankovský | Kishore Papineni, Salim Roukos, Todd Ward, and Wei-Jing Zhu: BLEU: a Method for Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation, ACL 2002, report by Petra Galuščáková |
Nov 28 | Jindřich Libovický | Philipp Koehn, Jean Senellart: Convergence of Translation Memory and Statistical Machine Translation, AMTA 2010 |
Dec 5 | Tomáš Kraut | Sujith Ravi and Kevin Knight: Deciphering Foreign Language, ACL 2011, report by Ke Tran |
Dec 12 | Petra Galuščáková | Maja Popović, Aljoscha Burchardt: From Human to Automatic Error Classification for Machine Translation Output, EAMT 2011, report by Jindřich Libovický |
Dec 19 | no RG | there is no RG this week (because of UFAL Xmas seminar) |
Jan 9 | Ke Tran | Yoong Keok Lee, Aria Haghighi and Regina Barzilay: Modeling Syntactic Context Improves Morphological Segmentation, CONLL 2011 |
Spring&Summer 2011
date | speaker | paper |
May 23 | Nathan Green | McClosky, Charniak, and Johnson: Automatic Domain Adaptation for Parsing. NAACL 2010 comments by Katerina Topilova comments by Loganathan |
May 16 | Zdeněk Žabokrtský | Federico Sangati, Willem Zuidema: Unsupervised methods for head assignments. EACL 2009 comments by Eda Bejček and Lasha Abzianidze |
May 9 | Ximena Gutiérrez | Jason R. Smith Chris Quirk and Kristina Toutanova: Extracting Parallel Sentences from Comparable Corpora using Document Level Alignment comments by Angelina Ivanova |
May 2 | Lasha Abzianidze | Bill MacCartney, Christopher D. Manning (2007): Natural Logic for Textual Inference comments by Ximena Gutiérrez |
Apr 25 | no RG - Easter | |
Apr 18 | Nathan Green | Slav Petrov, Pi-Chuan Chang, Michael Ringgaard, Hiyan Alshawi (2010): Uptraining for Accurate Deterministic Question Parsing |
Apr 11 | Kateřina Topilová | McDonald et al. (2005): Non-Projective Dependency Parsing using Spanning Tree Algorithms comments by Lasha Abzianidze |
Apr 4 | Loganathan Ramasamy | Jason Naradowsky and Sharon Goldwater. Proceedings of IJCAI, 2009. Improving morphology induction by learning spelling rules. comments by Eda Bejček |
Mar 28 | Angelina Ivanovna | Gerard de Melo, Gerhard Weikum (2010): Untangling the Cross-Lingual Link Structure of Wikipedia comments by Nathan Green and Lasha Abzianidze |
Mar 21 | no RG - Lindat kick-off meeting | |
Mar 14 | Eda Bejček | Dennis Reidsma, Jean Carletta (2008): Reliability Measurement without Limitscomments by Nathan Green |
Mar 7 | Martin Popel | Reliability measures (no paper to read for this meeting) |
Feb 28 | startup meeting |
Autumn&Winter 2010/2011
Spring&Summer 2010
Autumn&Winter 2009/2010
date | speaker | paper | přečíst? |
Dec 14 | Martin Popel | Wei Lu, Hwee Tou Ng, Wee Sun Lee: Natural Language Generation with Tree Conditional Random Fields | |
Dec 7 | David Mareček | Nivre, J.: Non-Projective Dependency Parsing in Expected Linear Time. ACL 2009 | |
Nov 23, Nov 30 | Jana Straková | John Lafferty, Andrew McCallum and Fernando Pereira: Conditional Random Fields: Probabilistic Models for Segmenting and Labeling Sequence Data, Hanna M. Wallach. Conditional Random Fields: An Introduction | |
Nov 9 | Zdeněk Žabokrtský | Eugene Charniak and Micha Elsner: EM Works for Pronoun Anaphora Resolution. EACL 2009 | |
Oct 26, Nov 2 | Ondřej Bojar | Kevin Knight: Bayesian Inference with Tears. September 2009. článek byl delší, ale čtivý a přesně takové jsou i Ondrovy poznámky k němu | Ano, i s úkoly |
Oct 19 | Eda Bejček | Josh Schroeder, Trevor Cohn, and Philipp Koehn: Word Lattices for Multi-Source Translation. EACL 2009 přehledné rozdělení metod; dobře, že udělali tolik experimentů, škoda některých nepodložených interpretací; potřebná znalost Mojžíše; omezili množství trénovacích dat – chybí test, zda více dat není účinnější než více jazyků; klesá skutečně MAX s množstvím jazyků? (to je divné, neměly by se tedy vážit výsledky jednotlivých systémů (viz věta s “little benefit”, 2.1)? A nebo není příčinou spíš než přidání šestého jazyka přidání špatného jazyka (Table 6)? Jak by dopadly testy po dvojicích?); v závěru 2.3 vynechávají reordering s odkazem na diversitu zdrojových jazyků – to nemusí platit | Ano |
Oct 15 | Pavel Pecina | Daniel David Walker, Eric K. Ringger: Model-based document clustering with a collapsed gibbs sampler, Fotky tabule | |
Oct 12 | Pavel Schlesinger | Gibbsův sampling ( |
Spring&Summer 2009
date | speaker | paper |
May 25 | David Mareček | Christian Hanig, Stefan Bordag, Uwe Quasthoff: UnsuParse: Unsupervised Parsing with unsupervised Part of Speech tagging. LREC 2009 |
May 11 | Václav Novák | Julien Ah-Pine, Guillaume Jacquet: Clique-Based Clustering for improving Named Entity Recognition systems. EACL 2009 |
May 4 | Dan Zeman | Kristina Toutanova, Hisami Suzuki, Achim Ruopp: Applying Morphology Generation Models to Machine Translation. ACL 2008, Columbus, Ohio |
Apr 6 | Zdeněk Žabokrtský | Pascal Denis and Jason Baldridge, Specialized models and ranking for coreference resolution |
Mar 30 | Pavel Schlesinger | |
Mar 9 | Pavel Pecina |
Autumn&Winter 2008/2009
date | speaker | paper |
Mon Jan 5 | Martin Popel | Thorsten Brants, Ashok C. Popat, Peng Xu, Franz J. Och, Jeffrey Dean: Large Language Models in Machine Translation, 2007 |
Mon Dec 1 | Jan Ptáček | Improving Statistical MT through Morphological Analysis |
Mon Nov 24 | Pavel Češka | A TAG-based noisy channel model of speech repairs |
Wed Nov 19 | Ondřej Bojar | Forest Reranking: Discriminative Parsing with Non-Local Features by Liang Huang (see Google Tech Talks), Forest-Based Translation by Haitao Mi and Liang Huang and Qun Liu |
Mon Nov 10 | Zdeněk Žabokrtský | Katja Filippova and Michael Strube: Sentence Fusion via Dependency Graph Compression, 2008 |
Mon Nov 3 | Jiří Mírovský | Alexander E. Richman and Patrick Schone: Mining Wiki Resources for Multilingual Named Entity Recognition, ACL, Columbus, 2008. |
Wed Oct 20 | Jan Raab | Libin Shen, Giorgio Satta, and Aravind K. Joshi: Guided Learning for Bidirectional Sequence Classification, ACL, Prague, 2007. |
Spring&Summer 2008
date | speaker | paper |
Mar 17 | Pavel Schlesinger | Aria Haghighi and Dan Klein: Unsupervised Coreference Resolution in a Nonparametric Bayesian Model, ACL, Prague, 2007. |
Mar 31 | Pavel Schlesinger | Unsupervised Coreference Resolution in a Nonparametric Bayesian Model, 2nd part |
Apr 28 | Pavel Straňák | Diana McCarthy, Rob Koeling, Julie Weeds and John Carroll: Unsupervised Acquisition of Predominant Word Senses in Computational Linguistics 33 (4), 2007 |
Autumn&Winter 2007/2008
Nov 26 | Markéta Lopatková | Friedrich Otto: Restarting Automata (Notes for a Course), Technical Report, Universitat kassel, 2004. |
Nov 19 | Dan Zeman | Anil Kumar Singh (अनिल कुमार सिंह), Jagadeesh Gorla: Identification of Languages and Encodings in a Multilingual Document Identification of Languages and Encodings in a Multilingual Document. In: Proceedings of the 3rd ACL SIGWAC Workshop on Web as Corpus, pp. 95-108. Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 2007. |
Nov 12 | Otakar Smrž | M. Nowak, N. Komarova, P. Niyogi. Computational and Evolutionary Aspects of Language. Nature, Vol. 417, pp. 611-617, 2002. |
Nov 5 | Jan Ptáček | Philipp Koehn; Hieu Hoang: Factored Translation Models, EMNLP & CoNLL, Prague, 2007. |
Oct 29 | Miroslav Spousta | David Talbot; Miles Osborne Smoothed Bloom Filter Language Models: Tera-Scale LMs on the Cheap |
Oct 17 | Zdeněk Žabokrtský | Mary Hearne, John Tinsley, Ventsislav Zhechev, Andy Way (2007): Capturing Translational Divergences with a Statistical Tree-to-Tree Aligner HearneEtAl_TMI_07.pdf |
Spring&Summer 2007
Autumn&Winter 2006/2007
Nov 15 | Glöckner, Ingo; Sven Hartrumpf; and Hermann Helbig (2006): Automatic knowledge acquisition by semantic analysis and assimilation of textual information - plná verze |
Spring&Summer 2006
Mar 1 | Ondřej Bojar | D. Chiang: A Hierarchical Phrase-Based Model for Statistical Machine Translation, ACL, Ann Arbor, 2005. | |
Mar 8 | Zdeněk Žabokrtský | S. Kahan: The Meaning-Text Theory. | |
Mar 15 | Pavel Schlesinger | N. A. Smith and J. Eisner: Contrastive Estimation: Training Log-Linear Models on Unlabeled Data. ACL, Ann Arbor, 2005. | |
Mar 22 | Pavel Pecina | D. Ravichandran, P. Pantel and E.Hovy: Randomized Algorithms and NLP: Using Locality Sensitive Hash Functions for High Speed Noun Clustering, ACL, Ann Arbor, 2005. | |
Apr 5 | Pavel Straňák | Keh-Jiann Chen, Chi-Ching Luo, Ming-Chung Chang, Feng-Yi Chen, Chao-Jan Chen, Chu-Ren Huang: Sinica Treebank: Design criteria, representational issues and implementation. | |
Apr 12 | Zdeněk Žabokrtský | P. Sgall: Prague School Typology. In Masayoshi Shibatani and Theodora Bynon (eds), Approaches to Language Typology. Clarendon Press, Oxford, United Kingdom, 1995. | |
Apr 19 | Barbora Hladká | B. Scholkopf and A.J. Smola: A Short Introduction to Learning Method with Kernels. | |
May 3 | Otakar Smrž | ||
May 10 | Barbora Hladká | B. Scholkopf and A.J. Smola: A Short Introduction to Learning Method with Kernels. |
Autumn&Winter 2005/2006
Oct 19 | Kiril Ribarov | Non-projective Dependency Parsing using Spanning Tree Algorithms. | |
Oct 26 | Petr Podveský | K. Crammer and Y. Singer: Ultraconservative on-line algorithms for multiclass problems, JMLR, 2003. | |
Nov 2 | Jiří Havelka | L. Georgiadis: Arborescence optimization problems solvable by Edmonds’ algorithm. | |
Nov 9 | Barbora Hladká | ||
Nov 16 | Pavel Pecina | B. Moore: Discriminative Framework for Bilingual Word Alignment, HLT/EMNLP, Vancouver, 2005. | |
Nov 23 | Otakar Smrž | Noah A. Smith, David A. Smith, Roy W. Tromble: Context-Based Morphological Disambiguation with Random Fields. | |
Nov 30 | Václav Novák | J. Eisner and D. Karakos: Bootstrapping Without the Boot, HLT/EMNLP, Vancouver, 2005. | |
Dec 7 | Pavel Schlesinger | B. Taskar, D. Klein, M. Collins, D. Koller and C. Manning: Max-Margin Parsing, EMNLP, Barcelona, 2004. | |
Dec 14 | Daniel Zeman | D. Zeman, Z. Zabokrstky: Improving Parsing Accuracy by Combining Diverse Dependecy Parsers, IWPT, Vancouver, 2005. | |
Jan 4 | Ondřej Bojar | Franz Och: Tutorial, MT Summit, 2005. | |
Jan 11 | Jiří Semecký | M. Carpuat and D. Wu: Word Sense Disambiguation vs. Statistical Machine Translation. |